by W. E. Johns



IX.   CAPTAIN CHARLES IS WARNED  (Pages 105 - 115)


Finding the door open, Worrals goes straight in.  Peeping around the curtain, Worrals sees Captain Charles in what must be his usual position, reading a newspaper.  Seated nearby are Joudrier and his companion.  In order to contact Captain Charles, Worrals writes a message on a slip of paper - "Beware.  You are watched.  Rendezvous as soon as possible at usual place.  You will be followed when you leave, so don't go direct".  Rolling the paper into a small pellet she flicks it at Captain Charles' table but it rebounds and falls to the floor.  However, the girl serving behind the counter is the one who was present from before and she sees Worrals flick the paper and discreetly picks it up and gives it to Captain Charles.  He reads it and then chews it up.  Worrals goes to leave by the door she entered by but she hears voices outside.  She waits for the voices to move on but when they don't she leaves anyway and walks straight into seven or eight men - Germans!  She is questioned but after saying (in French) that she is the kitchen girl, she is released, just before Joudrier comes on the scene and is addressed by the men as "Hauptmann" (Captain).  Joudrier tells the Germans to remain under cover until summonsed by his whistle.  Worrals returns to Frecks and they wait by the church door for Captain Charles to arrive.  Wondering how Captain Charles will get out, Worrals remembers seeing the fuse box when she entered the estaminet earlier and she returns to turn the lights out.  In the darkness and confusion, Captain Charles is able to get out and get to the church to meet Worrals and Frecks and then takes them to the padre's house via the churchyard.  Worrals tells the padre that he is suspected as well and he agrees to go with them to England.  The time is now 11.10 pm and the rendezvous is set for midnight.  Suddenly there is a thunderous hammering on the door.  "Only Germans knock like that" says the padre.